What is considered normal in today’s society?
In simplified terms: Normal in today’s society means obtaining a degree, working at a job, having a few children, retiring, and then passing away.
What do society and parents generally teach us? Most often, they say: Study well in school, get a degree, because then you’ll get a good job, and then you’ll be happy. Let’s say we heed this advice. We study for years, and manage to get a good job (or maybe not so good), and we work diligently. Perhaps we change jobs, or we stay loyal to the same company for many years. Along the way, we may buy a house, a car on credit. We start a family. Then, when the time comes, we retire and try to make the most of the remaining years. What’s the problem with this? If that was our goal, then nothing. We have a great life, and we enjoy it. Because that’s normal.
I have always thought that I didn’t want to work at one place for 8 or more hours a day. Instead, I wanted to see the world as much as possible, create something valuable, and not be dependent on money. I didn’t want to go to work every day to make money for someone else. I never desired children either. Primarily, I wanted to be my own master. One of the most important values for me is peace. My own peace.
Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. It was important to me that I could manage my own time. Time is the most valuable treasure for everyone. You can’t buy more of it. When I was around 35, I reached a point where I sat by a fishing pond during the day and occasionally asked my colleagues if everything was okay at the company. I am now 44 years old. For the past six years, my partner and I have been traveling to warm places every winter. These trips last 6-7 months. So, we can say that in this sense, I am not normal.
So, if you desire a normal life, then there’s no problem, this website is not for you. But if you desire something else and don’t know how to start, visit this site often. You might find something useful. I am not trying to sell anything on this site. You will never see anything like “buy from me and your life will be better.” I am just sharing my own experiences because it would have been a great help to me in the past. Then you decide whether you can benefit from it or not.