person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Call me Norbert.
I am 44 years old. My partner and I have been together for about 7 years. For the past 6 years, we have been traveling every year when it gets cold here, until it gets warm. These trips usually last 6-7 months. Yes, you read that right. While others go away for 1-2 weeks, we travel continuously for more than half a year. We are not backpackers. One of our friends even joked on one of the cruises that we travel with wardrobes. 😊 I’ll write separately about how we travel in a separate blog post. By the way, I’m currently in Bali while writing this. We’ve been here for over a month now. In 10 days, we’re traveling to China, and then we’re taking a boat to Dubai.

We have several different business lines. Currently, we have 6. We also manufacture in several places. We have 20 employees and 3 managers who handle everything while we’re away. We also have 2 physical stores and 8 online shops. I could say it was easy to build this, but I’d rather call it a moderate challenge. We are constantly looking for new business opportunities. Everything we have achieved, we have achieved on our own. We have no loans, and we haven’t won any government grants either. During this time, we’ve also made several investments. We mainly invested in real estate. We have 5 properties at home and 3 abroad. The plan is that when we get older, we’ll sell one occasionally and use the proceeds to travel. In the meantime, we rent them out and they generate passive income. We also have stock investments with varying degrees of success.

So, you can see that we are masters of our own destiny. What I write about is not just something I read in a book, but my own experiences.

The purpose of this website is to provide answers to various “how” questions. These would have helped me a lot in the past. I could have saved a lot of time. Through this site, I introduce you to my world. You can see how I think, how I build a business, how I travel, and how I see the world. I want to convey versatile knowledge and perspectives to you.

I must admit, for me, this is very exciting because I imagine that if I had found such a website 20 years ago, I would have achieved much more by now. Of course, I’m not complaining because I have a good life, but it would have been simpler.

IMPORTANT! If you have more excuses than ideas for solving a problem, then this site is not for you.

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